September 1, 1991 MEDCBB01 Version 4.1 " The New World Order Explodes" One year HSWBBS-USA anniversary celebration scenario By JIVA - SYSOP HWSBBS-USA Well it has been just over one year of operations for the HSWBBS. We release a anniversary celebration scenario every six months ( except for the one month release). Each has been in a different Battleset released by Three Sixty. With luck each six month HSWBBS celebration release will involve a different battleset. This scenario involves the MEDC. And is designed to be played from the Blue side. Designing a scenario for the MEDC turned out to be the most challenging and difficult of the three Battlesets. The NACV and GIUK involves purely hypothetical events of the Cold War turning hot. The MEDC covers a geopolitical arena with numerous ongoing historical conflicts; which simmer and break out as the balance of powers change. Except for the close proximity to the Desert Shield/Storm AO no theme could be found for the scenario to evolve around. Especially since Desert Storm was already a page in military history by the time the scenario was being designed. However more history started to unfold itself on the newspaper headlines; within the geopolitical area covered by the MEDC battleset. Every day headlines started telling the story of how the many different ethnic peoples were adjusting to new found freedoms caused by the crumbling of the Russian empire and communism. As with all people; passions and the human condition leads to military conflict. And so it is here where our story of the "The New World Order Explodes" begins. Our story begins with actual headlines and stories from the newspapers and then continues into what may be a real possible military conflict. Enjoy yourself. ( author's - note the following headlines are actual; taken from local papers July 1991 through September 5th 1991.. after that date they were improvised to complete our story ) Since we cannot change the base names in the Scenario Editor we will have to use the following conversion chart below; "TOPEL" = Sibenik, Yugoslavia "Murted = Zagreb, Yugoslavia "Sevestopol" = Rijeka, Yugoslavia "El-Arish" = Venice, Italy "Fiad" = Budapest, Hungry "Brindisi" = Pescara, Italy "Merzifon" = Patrai, Greece Also note that the Red Merchant groups are included for affect to simulate the busy shipping traffic found in the Med. So as per orders they should not be fired upon unless one turns guns on your forces and fires. This scenario is a large one and may not run on old systems. The most preferable system would be a 386 or 486 using DOS 5 memory manager ( or another of your choice to obtain maximum memory. A RAMDrive setup would make things go a little faster. I have had this BETA tested a few times. Depending on the start up configuration ( there are thousands ) you may get a MEMORY HANDLE ERROR message within the first 30 minutes of game play ( when playing v1.3 and lower ). To get around this try and keep your ASW patrols in the beginning of the game to a minimum... also keep your air patrols to a minimum except where the action is taking place. I found out to get around losing the game is to save it very often in the beginning. When the MEMORY HANDLES message comes up just restart and usually it doesn't come back. If using a RAMDrive the game save routine is not very bothersome. Also it is advised not to go over a 1:5 compression setting during the earlier stages of the game. The BETA testers found that they couldn't go above that setting for the first one third of the game. ADDENDUM 09-10-92 This scenario has been updated/refined to play in v1.3 and higher. This allowed for a trim on size of scenario file and amount of memory used. So the game will have less of a problem with memory. Below is suggested Config.sys and Autoexec.bat for use with a straight DOS 5.0 system using the latest version of HIMEM.SYS - EMM386.EXE - RAMDRIVE.SYS which was released by Microsoft with Windows 3.1, and Microsoft Mouse driver v8.1. Also note the size of the RAMDRIVE... 20+ MEGs. You must adjust the CONFIG file for the size your computer can make; and the AUTOEXEC file to load the appropriate Harpoon files that fit on your RAMDRIVE. A 10 MEG RAMDRIVE is needed to load all nine released battlesets and the Scenario Editor. The HSWBBS has a very good multi-boot program that comes with it's ELITE membership disk, which will allow you to make several boot up configurations for smaller than 10 MEG RAMDRIVE setups. It is worth getting the elite memberships status just for it. CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS DOS=HIGH,UMB FILES=8 BUFFERS=1 FCBS=1 STACKS=0,0 LASTDRIVE=D DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\RAMDRIVE.SYS 20572 /E DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS /X SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /p /F /e:160 AUTOEXEC.BAT CLS PROMPT $E[31;47mÝ$pÞ TYPE IN YOUR COMMAND$E[5m¯¯$E[0;34;47m SET MOUSE=A:\ LOADHIGH C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM PATH=C:\;C:\DOS XCOPY C:\HARPOON D: /s D: PLEASE SEND FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notes HSWBBS: this information is continuously updated please read! 6:11PM 9/12/92 Membership - 2500+ **************************************************************************** The scenario file packet you have just un-compressed contains several files: 1: The scenario file itself with the appropriate Battleset file extension. 2: Scenario text file or files containing background for the scenario and orders. They use the same file name as the scenario and conform to the the new Harpoon v1.3 orders text format ( BLx or RDx page #9 in the v1.3 manual ) This means both the. 4: A file named ELITEINF.TXT which is a form to fill out for ELITE membership status on the HSWBBS. This user edited scenario originated from the HSWBBS; operating it's terminal at 516-829-2557 in ANSI emulation Transmitting via a US Robotics Dual Standard HST modem 1-8-N USR-HST-16,800 14,400 12,000 9600 7200 and 4800 bps CCITT V.32 bis/V.32 modes 14,400 12,000 9600 7200 4800 bps CCITT/BELL modes 2400 1200 300 bps CCITT V.42 bis/MNP5 data compression CCITT V.42/MNP 2-4 error control (2400/1200/300 N-8-1) using a modified WWIV TERMINAL VERSION 4.2e On July 16, 1990 the Harpoon Scenario Warehouse BBS started where a central point could be maintained for the uploading and downloading of the Harpoon Game edited scenarios. As interest and usage of the BBS grew. The BBS improved it's service and terminal to a full fledged BBS on October 2, 1990. We then formed an association with the Harpoon Users Group - HUG. The BBS will continue to work on improving the terminal and services as long as interest continues for Harpoon scenarios. The future will bring regional HSWBBS's around the country depending on the concentration of HUG and ELITE HSWBBS members. The true test of success will be the users and plenty of scenario uploads made by members with the Scenario Editor. The Scenario Warehouse is connected to the WWIV International Network which allows it's members to send E-mail to each other via a local WWIV BBS in the Network; our node number is @7851. We also host the "HARPOONER SCENARIO WAREHOUSE" Bulletin Board sub. This is the place where all Harpooner's can exchange ideas and tactics. Ask your local WWIV BBS which is in the WWIV Network to subscribe to it. Tell the SYSOP to contact JIVA at 1@7851 on the Net. This way you will be able to post messages and read up on what's happening just by a local call. For more info contact JIVA the SYSOP at the Warehouse. These WWIV BBS's already subscribe to the "Harpooner's Scenario Warehouse" sub/bulletin board: The Foundation @7465 SYSOP - Hari Selden 714-966-0640 The Game Room @7409 SYSOP - Doomsday 704-596-4137 The FarStar @6989 SYSOP - FarStar 619-225-1775 D.E.P. BBS @5289 SYSOP - Captian Armpit 512-339-6305 HSWBBS-UK (regional HSWBBS England) SYSOP - Neil Marshal 0689-824666 The Data Trek BBS @4400 SYSOP - JIAN 404-664-5485 The Old Guard @3122 SYSOP - L'Empereur 301-391-2563 The Afterburner @3352 SYSOP - Dan 313-478-5836 Shinobi's Sword - Japan @856 SYSOP - Kashiro 611-735-5608 Terninal One @5070 SYSOP - Weasel 510-432-2461 The Rubicon @19955 SYSOP - Spackle 919-676-0738 Bear Mountain Railroad @6902 SYSOP - The Bear 609-265-1144 Hard Rock Cafe @8361 SYSOP - 813-989-3279 ARC BBS @2366 SYSOP - 213-265-0523 Illusions @3065 SYSOP - The Craw 310-864-3324 Viper's Pit @6912 SYSOP - Viper 609-259-0561 The Ultimate Warrior III @19999 SYSOP - Desperate Edge 919-347-2023 Shadows over Bogenhafen @7315 SYSOP - Dark Angel 703-556-9673 Feel free to call at anytime to share ideas and find information to help you in playing a better game. The Scenario Warehouse urges you to give feedback to the author of any scenario you play whether it is positive or negative, by using the HSWBBS E-mail (also through the WWIVnet). This will help the person to improve his/her scenario creation and to make any changes which need to be made. When you connect to the BBS as a first time user type in "NEW" and follow the prompts for initialization as a member. Veterans of the original Pro-Comm Plus terminal also will have to initialize onto the new WWIV terminal. Correspondence can be mailed to: Richard Wickboldt HSWBBS - SYSOP - JIVA 25 Beach Road Great Neck, New York 11023 To save callers time on line; the following files have been made: HARPBB.ZIP/ARJ - File containing information regarding the Harpoon Edited Scenario BBS. BBGUIDE.ZIP/ARJ - file containing the WWIV terminal manual explaining the commands and menus used. BBNET.ZIP/ARJ - file containing information on how the WWIV network works and how to use it. WOMRD110.ZIP/ARJ - This is a Off-line message and E-mail reply/reader. All members are urged to download and use this program. It will save you connect charges by allowing you to view all messages and E-mail at your leisure off-line.. and then make any replies you wish and upload them. To insure ease of use by the Harpoon Warriors; certain guide lines have been developed by the users. The guide lines so far are as follows: 1. There should be an ASCII text file associated with the scenario. This text file should have victory conditions (victory conditions and orders are optional and can be in a separate file for each side following the guidelines listed below - THIS IS THE RECOMENDED PROCEEDURE) some background information and anything else you wish to add. Include also your name and HSWBBS # so feedback can be sent to you; Also include your E-mail address of any WWIVnet board you are a member of by including the node number also ( ie: 56 @2105 ). 2. The scenario filename must include the whole eight character field. The first four characters should indicate the battleset the file is associated with.. ie: GIUK????.sc1 NACV????.sc1. ???? can be any four character set which will uniquely identify the scenario. 3. The text file should have the same file name as the scenario file and file extension of .TXT. You MUST have a text file of some sort!! in addition to any seperate orders file. 4. You must have separate order/victory condition files for each side by using either of the two following combinations BLx and RDx. The "x" is the battleset designator number ( ie 1 for GIUK 2 for NACV 3 for MEDC ) This convention follows the new Harpoon v1.3 scenario orders file naming convention to insure that the orders/info file will be pulled into Harpoon for viewing. They must be pure ASCII text file!!! However insure that the 8 character file name is identical to the scenario filename. NOTE: Do not include readme files. Any text/order file included must have the same eight character filename as the scenario filename. 5. The above files should be compressed using the ZIP or ARJ compression utilities into a single file with the same eight character file name used for the scenario and order files. Failure to follow the file naming procedure will cause the BBS maint programs to lose your scenario files. 6. When possible leave an E-mail message on the BBS; giving some feed back on how the scenario played. This will enable the author to improve their future scenarios or correct any deficiencies in existing ones. Address the messages to the author. The files on the BBS right now are in a compressed format to save on-line time and cost to callers. The compression utilities used are the ZIP and ARJ. To upload you needn't do it in the compressed format. We will do it here if you have no compression facilities. You may also download the zip compression utility from the HSWBBS.. filename - PKZ110.exe. If this scenario was downloaded from another BBS other than the Harpoon Scenario Warehouse you may not have the latest version. Most scenarios go through revisions to take out any bugs or add items which will enhance the play of the scenario ( via feedback using the HSWBBS forum ). This is specialy so after the release of Harpoon v1.3. Also they are updated using the latest version of the Scenario editor which gives the author more commands to use making the scenario play better. The only way to insure that you have the latest version is to download from the HSWBBS. It is suggested you call and become a member and use the WWIV network to keep in touch via a local call. If you are not a member of the HSWBBS and do not use a modem. You can recieve our non-member release disk which will include Harpoon help files and scenarios released by the HSWBBS staff and DCT ( scenario design and consulting team ). Fill out the form below and mail to: ********************************************************************** Richard Wickboldt JIVA SYSOP/HSWBBS 25 Beach Road Great Neck, New York 11023 NAME ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________ CITY , STATE, ZIP___________________________________________ SIGNITURE __________________________________________________ I do hereby state that I am not a member of the HSWBBS nor have been a member for the past 6 months. I also understand that if I do become a member of the HSWBBS. The processing fee paid for the non-member release disk will no way constitute a membership of the HSWBBS. Please send a 25$ processing check made to Richard Wickboldt enclosed along with this form via the US mail. All over seas orders will be 45$ in US funds. Sept 12, 1992 ************************************************************************